Hello, I am Evan Nadal. When I first started recycling, we placed each of the materials in separate bins. Sometimes, separate trucks would come pick up the cardboard, glass and plastic materials. Today, we can simply place all of the items in a single bin for the truck to pick up each week. The materials are automatically sorted at the facility. After the preparation and processing procedure, the new materials are shipped out to manufacturers that create new packaging and products from those supplies. I want to explore the recycling process from beginning to end on this site. I will talk about manufacturing with recycled materials as well. Please visit my site daily to learn more.
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Batteries are a very useful invention. They allow us access to power without having to be connected to the grid. The truth about batteries though is that although they are a great invention, many of the materials contained in batteries are not good for the environment, especially when just thrown in the landfill. If you use batteries of any kind, you need to make sure that you recycle your batteries, not just throw them into the trash.
Single-Use Batteries
One of the most common type of batteries are single-use batteries. Single use batteries have been changed so that the metal they contain is non-hazardous and thus can be just thrown in the trash. This was not true until the aughts.
However, it is still best to recycle single-use batteries. Single-use batteries contain metal that can be recycled and used again for other applications. Many recycling centers accept single-use batteries, and there are also mail-in recycling programs.
The best thing you can do is cut down on single-use batteries and switch to rechargeable batteries, which you can use hundreds of times before you need to recycle them.
Rechargeable Batteries
There are lots of rechargeable batteries beyond Double AA and Triple AAA rechargeable batteries. Many garden tools, from lawn mowers to saws and leaf blowers, can be operated with rechargeable batteries.
Rechargeable batteries are not made for the trash. Rechargeable batteries contain heavy metals, which are considered hazardous waste. You don't want heavy metals breaking down in a landfill and making their way into the ground water.
The great thing about rechargeable batteries is that many retail stores will accept your rechargeable batteries and facilitate the recycling process. Both office supply stores as well as home improvement stores accept rechargeable batteries and will use the battery recycling services for you. Some stores even offer you credits or incentives for participating in their battery recycle program. These stores recycle these types of batteries because they sell these types of batteries.
Getting Batteries Ready for Recycling
How you get batteries ready for recycling depends on the type of batteries that you are recycling.
With single-use batteries, you are going to want to place clear tap over both ends of the battery. You want to do this so that current is not transferred from one battery to another.
With rechargeable batteries, you need to separate the battery from the electronic that it is associated with. For example, you don't need to bring in your whole lawn mower when you recycle your lawn mower battery. For smaller batteries, such as a cellphone, most donation centers will accept the entire electronic and recycle the whole thing, including the battery.
Don't just throw your batteries away. The resources inside of the batteries are valuable and should be recycled.