Hello, I am Evan Nadal. When I first started recycling, we placed each of the materials in separate bins. Sometimes, separate trucks would come pick up the cardboard, glass and plastic materials. Today, we can simply place all of the items in a single bin for the truck to pick up each week. The materials are automatically sorted at the facility. After the preparation and processing procedure, the new materials are shipped out to manufacturers that create new packaging and products from those supplies. I want to explore the recycling process from beginning to end on this site. I will talk about manufacturing with recycled materials as well. Please visit my site daily to learn more.
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When it comes to a material that is all around us and that almost everyone on planet Earth has encountered, plastic tops the list. Plastic is very much integrated into our everyday lives. For a product that is so integrated into our everyday lives, it is amazing how little is known about it.
Not All Plastic Can be Recycled
One of the reasons why environmental groups are so focused on getting people to stop using some forms of plastic is because not all plastic can be recycled. Recently, there has been a large push to stop the use of plastic straws because plastic single-use straws cannot be recycled.
The truth is that only plastic that has a market demand is recycled. Material that is very dirty, like a straw, isn't worth recycling and will usually end up in an incinerator or a landfill even if you put it in the recycling bin.
There Are Different Categories of Plastic
There are seven different categories of plastic. These different categories are based on the temperature used to create the plastic and indicates the strength of the plastic as well as the recyclability of the plastic.
When you see a number in the recycle symbol on a plastic bottle, this number lets one know the manufacturing process that the plastic underwent, and lets you know if the item can be recycled. Items with a #1 plastic number have the highest recycling value, with #7 plastics being considered completely non-recyclable. Hence, some plastics are more valuable to recycle than other forms of plastic.
Plastic Has to be Clean to Be Recycled
Finally, when you throw away any plastic container that still has food residue on it, it actually can't be recycled. Recycling centers process thousands of items an hour, and they will just throw away any plastic container with food residue on it, as it is not worth the time for them to clean it. It is up to you to clean your plastics before you put them in the recycling bin.
Not all plastics can be recycled. You can tell which plastics can be recycled by looking at the number on the plastic. Before you recycle your plastics, be sure to clean them, as dirty plastic also can't be recycled. The best thing you can do, though, is reduce your overall use of plastic material and avoid using plastic materials that can't be recycled at all.
For more information on recycling plastic, contact a local plastic recycler company.